Welcome to MyHifi!

We’re here to enjoy and share with you the changing landscape of Hi-Fi audio equipment.

In the not-to-distant past it was incredibly difficult to find home audio equipment which sounded great, complimented the interior style of your home, and didn’t leave you bankrupt.

Times are changing and advancements in manufacturing and technology along with the democratization of design, style, and engineering elements through the creative commons are dropping the barior to entry significantly.

We are starting this community with three goals in mind:

  1. To provide a storefront to order and quickly receive high-quality headphones and other electronics we have personally curated from lesser-known and up-and-coming manufacturers
  2. To provide easy access to knock-down kits, parts, and accessories to enable our DIY bretheren to quickly and easily procure and assemble high quality speakers and other audio equipment which compliments their decor
  3. To provide the very finest in custom pre-assembled speakers to our most discerning audiophile friends

We’re glad you’re here and your feedback is very much appreciated


Ryan & Ryan

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